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2022 Ministry Team Retreat Cruise with the Southern Florida District

2022 Pastors Ministry Team Retreat Dates -- October 3-7, 2022 -- Cruise with the Southern Florida District!
We will be combining our retreat with the Southern Florida District and once again planning on taking a cruise in the Caribbean!! Last time it was so much fun!

Dr. Eugenio Duarte, GS, will be our guest speaker and it will be one of his final retreats before he retires in the summer of 2023. below is the flyer for this event. You can sign up directly with the QR code or follow this link.

We have reserved 50 cabins for each district, for a total of 100 cabins. If you do not have a valid passport (one that will be valid in October 2022) be sure and start that process now. It is taking a little longer than normal to process these. The cruise line is also requiring proof of vaccination to board the ship. Start planning now! Local churches should start saving up to send their pastors, associates, and spouses.
